Pangload is a bag carrier for bicycles that can carry many different types of bags easily and safely, increasing freedom, flexibility and convenience.
It is not a container, like a bicycle basket or a bicycle bag, but more like an attachable side-rack. Pangload opens up many more possibilities as to the size, type and shape of bags that can be transported by bicycle. It can carry very large bags.
A Pangload consists of 3 parts: A unibody steel frame (1) with banner, which is attached by elasticated cords (2) to the side of the bike rack to keep your bag at a safe distance from the bike’s chain, spokes, and pedals, and a strong wooden toggle (3), to hang bags of various shapes and sizes.
Our unique toggle&cord system is easy to use, has been tested thoroughly with heavy weights and is extremely robust and suitable for its purpose (watch the video to see how easy it works).
The Pangload can be fitted onto either or both sides of a bicycle rack. It provides a lean and elegant alternative to pannier bike bags or bike baskets.